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نشر بتاريخ 2021-03-24 9:07 AM
SINA VETERINARY CLINIC Treatment and Care of Pets, birds, and all other services your animals need with the lowest price and the best quality. Our Services: Consultation Medications Normal Wash Medical Wash Microchipping Health Certificate Hospitality (Boarding) Import / Export Permit Imaging (Ultrasound, X-Ray) Parasite Control (Fleas, Ticks & worms) Laboratory Tests (Microscopic test, Blood Test, Kit) Dental Scaling, Wash the wound, Drain Anal Sac, Ears Suction Vaccination (Tricat, Rabies, DHPPI, Leptospirosis, Deworming) Grooming (Hair Cut/ Trimming - Knots removal - Bath - Ear Cleaning - Nail Clipping – Perfume) Surgery (Abscess, Soft Tissue Surgery, Neutering, Spaying, Caesarean, Orthopaedic, Ocular, Other), Pet Shop, etc. Contact us: www.sinavetclinic.com Call / WhatsApp: 72484945