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- Autel maxipro MP808TS Oman
Autel maxipro MP808TS Oman
MaxiPRO MP808TS جهاز ماكسيبرو , افضل جهاز فحص السيارات بالكمبيوتر و كشف الاعطال - من ارقى اجهزة فحص السيارات بالعالم حيث انه يجمع 3 اجهزة بجهاز واحد جهاز يفحص جميع انواع السيارات و يكشف اعطالها و يبرمج جميع اجزاء السيارات بالاضافه لقدره كامله على البرمجه و تكويد و يعمل 17 اعادة ضبط و يبرمج حساسات لتواير TPMS. Extensive vehicle coverage for more than 80 US, Asian and European vehicle makes and models Exceptional OE-level system coverage for all electronic systems Complete capabilities for codes, live data, active test, ECU information, adaptation, matching, etc. Auto VIN technology can automatically identify the vehicles make, model and year information in no time Automatic system and software updates with real-time push message notifications via Wi-Fi Instant remote control tech support anytime, anywhere Advanced TPMS diagnostics with DTC description TPMS status, one step for complete TPMS health check Activate 98% of all known TPMS sensors Program AUTEL MX-Sensor Comprehensive OBD relearn coverage . On-screen relearn procedure One-stop multitasking designed for ideal management of workshop operations to keep all data files, customer info, and vehicle records well organized Cloud-based MaxiFix online community provides a vast database of diagnostic and repair tips and proven filed fixes السعر ٣٧٠ ريال . وهو سعر ممتاز. ضمان سنه وتحديث مجاني سنتين.